
Heat recovery MEANS energy efficiency

The main water heater, essential for everyday comfort, accounts for a considerable proportion of a building and/or household’s energy cost – ranging from 15 to 25%. This proportional figure tends to increase further when the home focuses on improving energy efficiency in other areas.

Every use of hot water, whether for doing the proverbial dishes, washing clothes, showering or taking hot baths, contributes to this significant energy consumption. Careful management of hot water use is essential to reducing energy costs and minimizing environmental impact. Unsurprisingly, the  hot shower is the largest energy consumption when it comes to domestic water heating.

On average, heated water for a shower is used just 7 seconds before being washed down the drain.

This wasteful figure indicates just how crucial it is to adopt more energy efficient technologies – not only to save money but also to conserve precious resources.

Waste water heat recovery (from greywater) is both an innovative and environmentally responsible approach to maximizing energy efficiency in buildings. One of the main advantages of drain water heat recovery is its significant contribution to reducing energy consumption. By re-using the heat already present in water, buildings can reduce their dependence on conventional energy sources (such as natural gas or electricity) to heat water for all daily needs.

In concrete terms, by recovering heat and energy from shower water, we can preheat the cold water entering the water heater. This avoids thermal shocks and reduces the energy demand on the water heater. In the long run, this not only reduces energy consumption but also triples the capacity of the water heater – all while increasing its service life at a substantial cost savings for the user.

Globally, this results in lower GHGs (greenhouse gas emissions) with a reduced carbon footprint, thus helping to win the fight against climate change damage. At best, its widespread adoption could play a crucial role in the transition to a brighter, more sustainable, resource-efficient future.

Symbolic flame for heat recovery by Ecotime

Why heat recovery?

Ecotime's heat recovery solution

As part of our quest to maximize  underused or even wasted resources, we have developed an innovative solution: a waste water heat recovery system that stands out because of its improved efficiency and simple installation. Designed to be easily integrated into the shower drain outlet, this heat recovery device is ideal for those concerned about reducing their ecological footprint while saving on their energy bill at the same time.

Compared to traditional heat recovery systems, our innovation has several notable advantages. First, its compact design allows direct installation at the shower drain, eliminating the need for additional space or major changes in the bathroom. This practical feature makes it an attractive option for homeowners who want to adopt sustainable solutions without compromising the comfort of their daily lives.

In addition, our system is completely passive – meaning that it does not require any maintenance from users once installed. This operational autonomy ensures a hassle-free experience, allowing occupants to enjoy the benefits of energy savings without having to change their water consumption habits or invest in complex and more expensive equipment.

By capturing waste water heat, Ecotime’s device offers an ecological and economic solution, helping resource conservation while reducing the home and/or building’s carbon footprint. By encouraging the responsible use of water and energy, we are committed to promoting a more sustainable way of life for present and future generations.

Our system is still in a continual research and development phase because we want to be able to offer our customers the best available product, offering the most sustainability and efficiency over time. In addition, we want to improve Geyser’s functioning while avoiding any maintenance throughout the system’s lifespan.

Product under development


Heat recovery system

Geyser is a drain water heat recovery system that lets you repurpose heat from a hot shower before it goes down the drain and gets forever lost in the sewers.

With this innovative technology, you can generate savings directly on your energy bill without having to change your regular consumption habits. The water and energy savings – all while extending the life of your water heater – means you profit from Geyser’s installation a lot quicker than you might have imagined.

The Geyser system is a practical and effective environmental footprint solution in your personal fight against climate change. 

residential | small business

Legal issues and funding solutions

Heat recovery systems for shower-equipped bathrooms have become mandatory for all new building constructions in the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba. Accross Canada, the installation of a drain water heat recovery device is not yet mandatory but strongly recommended in new homes as well as others dwellings when the water heater configuration allows for it. In Quebec, such installations must be in accordance with the directives of the Régie du Bâtiment du Québec (RBQ). To learn more about hot water management and cost savings, you can find government information on energy transition here.

In addition, financial rebates can help pay for a heat recovery system in your home. Examples include the RénoClimat program created by the Government of Québec, the Home Efficiciency Rebate Plus (HER+) program in Ontario and the Home Energy Assessment program in Nova Scotia.

Still thinking about heat recovery solutions? Our team of experts is here to help launch your project and will be with you every step of the way.

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